Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tucker and the Balloons

Tucker hasn't had too much exposure to balloons in his almost two years on this earth. He hasn't had to have any exposure either. The first couple of months were spent on the mean streets of West Virginia with his single mom and 5 siblings.

The next month was spent in a shelter and a foster home.

Then... he came to our little corner of the world. He likes our house. We have given him a safe and secure place to live where he can run like crazy through it and through the back yard. He loves guests but hates it when they get too close to his stuff. That's right... I said it... Tucker hates it when you touch his stuff. He'll even go so far as to try and grab it back from you.

But I digress...

I threw a surprise birthday party for Tangent Woman this year and I had balloons floating around the house. They floated into various corners and hid for a few days. They were never in his direct view...

Then... IT happened...

One of the balloons drifted out of the corner and landed near his bed. His soft comfortable bed that he likes to sleep on during the day and night. One of his few places of security and comfort... How dare this balloon attack him like that?

I sat on the couch and watched the whole thing. The whole thing you ask? The whole thing consisted of me watching Tucker slink his way towards the balloon and bark at it. He just couldn't figure out how the balloon had gotten there and viewed it as a threat...

Growling turned into yipping which turned into full blown barking.

Not obnoxious shut the hell up already barking but rather... defend the owners of the house from this floating ball of air barking ...

It was cute and I am really glad that I had a camera folks... it totally made my night...

1 comment:

Smelmooo said...

Please note in the second picture that Tucker is only "attacking" the smaller balloon.
