Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Top Five Tuesday

I figured that right before the New Year... I would give you the worst Top Five Tuesday list EVER.

That way... when the New Year begins... you will appreciate me more.

Go ahead... appreciate me... show me love... but until then...

The leftovers of 2004...

Top Five Hamburger Toppings
1. Pickles (Sandwhich slices...)
3. Green Ketchup (Shrek flavored...)
4. French Fries (Fat Cat Style!!!)
5. Hot Dogs (Slice em up and lay them flat.. it is a meat sandwich...)
Top Five Nicknames For that State When Your Butt Leaks All Day
1. Swamp Ass
2. Slimy Tush
3. Olestra Butt
4. Slick Crack
5. Gross
Top Five Christmas Presents (Thank You Karen) For No Apparent Reason
1. Candy -- From many different sources, I got the gift that keeps on giving from mouth to stomach to thighs.
2. Metuchen Book -- From muh honey, I got a picture book about the town of Metuchen. How much does that rock?
3. Basketball Hoop -- From muh parents, I got a basketball hoop that will be used to improve muh mad skills... or at least muh dunking skills at 8 feet.
4. Bocce Ball Set -- Muh honey provided this gift... now.. .let's see... I think I want to build an entire court along the side of the house. Is that a waste of yard?
5. Season 3 of 24 -- Thanks Steve... I love Secret Santa.
Top Five Guilty Pleasure Websites
Top Five Places To Go On a Crappy Snowy Day
1. Your attic.
2. Your basement
3. Your living room next to a fire.
4. Your kitchen... to cook up some soup...
5. Your office... to read stupid guilty pleasure websites.
Top Five Reasons Why I Am Glad Christmas is Over
1. My radio stations stop playing Christmas music over and over and over again.
2. Muh honey and I can go to Cheesecake Factory again and have to deal with just Cheesecake Factory parking issues instead of also have to deal with shoppers parking issues.
3. The commercialism kills me.
4. I can drive again on the streets of New Jersey... phew.. only MILD congestion.
5. So I could have a top five list to write...

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