Monday, December 27, 2004

Thoughts of the smelmooo - Some Follow Ups to Previous Blogs

As the New Year approaches, I thought it might be fitting to revisit a few of my old blogs to sort of give an update.

1. Putting the Toilet Seat Down -- After some deliberation, I believe that one of the main reasons that I always put the toilet seat down had nothing to do with functionality or looks, it had everything to do with preventing the animals from drinking or falling in. ALthough as I reach older ages... I wish the cats would have fallen in...

2. Day After Christmas -- We didn't go to any stores on the day after. Thank god....

3. Connie and Carla -- We were reading theNewark Star Ledger this weekend and they listed the worst movies of 2004. Connie and Carla was the proud winner of worst comedy. It wasn't nearly as bad as Welcome to Mooseport... which we also recently watched. On behalf of all of you..avoid W to M at all costs....

4. Gina's holiday party turned out to kick some major ass. Good job to her and once again... topping my chart of holiday parties thrown by friends from college. It is a distinct honor.

5. Ichabod is our friend and he continues to shower us with love... even though we keep feeding him more crap.

Have a good 2005...I will still be with you until the big day though....

1 comment:

mickeyg said...

Why thank you, sir Brian! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Here's to another 13 or so years of my annual christmas/holiday/birthday/solstice/winter dinner party!