Sunday, January 16, 2005

Leaving Messages - Of Death!!!

Sometimes, I do a jackass thing. I call people and I leave a message. Sometimes when I call people, they are on a list of people that I have to call. I physically write down all the names of the people I want to call into a list format.

I begin by calling the person... I then leave a message. I usually end my phone messages like this.

"...blah blah blah... and I look forward to talking to you soon. Have a great day (insert name here.)"

At this point, I am most likely making a note to myself next to the person's name that reads "1/11/5 -- LM" and as such I look ahead to the next person's name.

The next person's name is now the name that is stuck inside my head so when I say... "Have a great day (insert name here)" -- (insert name here) becomes the next person's name.

My reaction is always the same... "Crap.....please have a function where I can leave the message again" and I cautiously hit the pound sign. When the option of starting over comes on.. I relax and leave another great message that is 100% good now and not 95% good.

When it doesn't have that option... I crawl into a ball and lie in the fetal position under my desk.

A few hours later, when I get the return call from these people, I am never quite sure if they stayed around long enough on the message to hear my gaffe... so I usually play around for a bit to see if they heard it. Most do... and I get to use my incredibly witty personality to get myself out of the mess.

I bring this up because I called someone "Karen" this week... and they didn't have the redo feature... HIS name was Bill.



seth said...

After reading this entire post, I'm still wondering....are these lists of work calls that need to be made or a list of friends that you want to call?

Smelmooo said...

These are always work calls. I don't screw up my friends' names on the phone...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your post, it has made me feel tremendously better about myself. I hate making phone calls, especially cold calls. And I do the same thing by making a list and just try to pound them out. I rarely end with their name just for that reason. But I've made the same mistake with personalized mass emails and have gone crazy with feeling stupid. Still the phone calls are horrendous.