Monday, January 16, 2006

A Trip to a Diner -- An Experience in Patience

Not too long ago, muh wife and I decided that we didn't want to think about dinner and we didn't want or care about a nice dinner. We just wanted to head to a place that was going to make some easy and quick food.


We got it.

We headed over to a diner that was out of town as the diner in town is actually kind of good and wasn't ready to supply us with the white trash dining experience that we so desired.

Upon entering, we were treated to what we expected. Many of the folks eating were there in their best Friday night gear -- sweatpants and head bands. It was a sight for sore eyes.

We reviewed our 500 page menu and decided on some yummy foods. Muh wife an omellet and myself the Mahi Mahi special (Don't laugh... it wasn't as good as you might think. ;-))

After ordering, we reviewed our placemats. A typical Jersey diner placemat is an advertiser's dream. You can advertise your quality product and hopefully someone will entertain your business. We were entertained alright by an ad for the Gallery Motel in South Amboy, NJ. You can reserve their "Cave Room" or their "Jungle Suite." We couldn't possibly imagine what these we ripped out the ad that featured a website and brought it home. This is what we found. I want to say so much about it... but I will let you peruse the site... as it is truly offensive... yet... intriguing... I have done some research into the place and discovered that they have two rates -- 4 hour rates or overnight. Nice.

About two tables over, a really crappy mother was out with her two children and another grown woman. The children were about 2 and 5. The baby started crying. I mean... SCREAMING... the mother literally just continued her conversation. It went on for a couple of minutes until the owner of the place finally brought a lollipop to the kid to shut it up. My question... why didn't the mother just pick up the baby or even acknowledge it? I am not a parent and I just don't understand...but I know I would be FAR MORE PATIENT AND TOLERANT if she was attempting to quiet the baby.

The diner did have an incredibly awesome upside. It had the full sized version of Ms. PacMan. I guess it's because we were in public, but muh wife didn't curse once... not once.... we actually played for about 15 minutes... we are that good.

My time for sleeping is at hand... I wish you all the best.


Anonymous said...

Wow...what can you say about a place like that? Other than the fact that some kinky s*%^ must go on there...

steakbellie said...

Mahi Mahi at the Peterpank
what the hell are you thinking?!?

Anonymous said...

fuck you all, peterpank has the best food in all of new jersey