Sunday, August 15, 2004


One of the things that I hate is when people talk at the movies. You all hate the same thing and there is no reason to revisit why these people seem to think that they are the most important people in the world and have the right to talk and talk and talk. One comment is fine but for the most part shut up and watch.

Last night, muh honey and I went out to see Garden State (which was decent and had some great moments but is far from as great as the reviews say it is.) There was a pair of talkers behind us. They started by getting to the movies at preview 4 of 5 and then continued to talk right through. It was dark when they arrived so we had no idea what they looked like...nor did we care.

The talking continued through preview 5 and through the opening credits. The potential was there for so much more.

And... the potential came true. She kept asking the man a bunch of questions about the movie that might be answered if she would just keep quiet. After three to five minutes of this, I graciously turned around and asked the couple to "Will you please stop talking? Thank you." The response was uncanny.

If the people behind us were younger I would have expected the macho response of shut up and watch the movie yourself. No one likes to be singled out, but I didn't expect this response to come from a couple that was in their sixties.

The gentleman of the couple was quiet and the woman responded with, "What? We only talked like two times." I began to respond to this misjudgment of the use of her mouth when she firmly added, "Just give it a rest."

What? Was that an older woman who told me to "Give it a rest."? It sure was. I was actually speechless about it. Here I was being super duper polite about the whole thing and she pulls that one on me. I wasn't quite sure what to say so I didn't. I just turned my head and went to watching the movie.

I really expected a lot more from a mature woman like that. I expected a modicum of respect and courtesy. For example, a proper response may have been, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize we were talking so loudly." or even "Ok Ok." She went above and beyond the level of irritation I would have expected.

Regardless, the movie came to an end about 100 minutes later and the couple flew out of there. At least they didn't say another frigging word for the rest of the movie.

They gave it a rest. Too bad I can't give the phrase Give it a Rest a rest. I keep using it ... perhaps it will die in my brain today.

1 comment:

barbara said...

ahh... just give it a rest will ya? :)