Thursday, July 15, 2004

How Much Does Money Mean To You? -- A Test

I got into a conversation yesterday with someone and it got me to thinking about how important money really is to us as individuals.

We have seen a lot of press and attention made recently about who owns what and what CEO's were the most greedy and which Saudi each of the Bush's were friends with, but what does money mean to you?

I ask your opinion in a crude but thought provoking manner.

What is the lowest denomination of money that you would retrieve from a toilet bowl with clean water in it?

I have thought of this often. Money is important to everyone but how important? Is it worth putting your hand into a dirty toilet to retrieve it however? If so... what is your total that you would write off as lost?

I think that with clean toilet water... I would say $5. I guess it would also have to do with the type of bathroom but the average public bathroom isn't too bad so I will go with $5.

The next question is. What is the lowest denomination of money that you would retrieve from a toilet bowl with your own urine in it?

That is taking on a whole new level. I think the monetary value would double at that point. We would be talking at least $10. At least I would know that I had used some other money to buy whatever product had created the pee in the first place.

It gets harder folks. What is the lowest denomination of money that you would retrieve from a toilet bowl with your someone else's urine in it?

ARGH! A couple hundred... at least. right? I would like to believe it would take that much money.. but I am not sure. I can certainly say that if I saw at least 1000 bucks in the toilet...I am going fishing and then telling people about it later on over a round of drinks that I BOUGHT!

The hardest question is... What is the lowest denomination of money that you would retrieve from a toilet bowl with anyone's poo in it?

Depends on the poo. Click here for types. I will leave you to judge.

I hope you have learned something about yourselves today.

Keep up the good work and stay rich... poo diggers.


mickeyg said...

There's a whole 'nother level to this. Is it you're money in the first place. See, cause if I dropped $25 I would be more likely to retrieve it than if it was someone else's to begin with because then it means more to me because I earned it.

Anonymous said... is WAY too early in the morning for this one.

Smelmooo said...

That is valuable insight Gina.

Ready people? What about your money versus other people's money?