Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Bank Friendliness Update -- It Went Even Farther!!!

I made a post last week that related a quick story about how the people at the bank recognize me by name now. It made me a tad nervous, but now, I have accepted the fact that human contact is a good thing.

Well... I went to the bank again this morning and I was astonished by the new level of friendliness that accompanies my relationship with the teller.

He finished my transaction, sent the carrier back through the tube and asked me a question. I was three lines away from him so I addressed him while looking at him through the bullet proof glass.

"How easy is it to sell things on eBay," he asked.

I found the question to be a genuinely interesting question and gladly supplied him with an answer.

After pulling away, I figured out that he probably knew I was into eBay because of all the checks and money orders that I bring in. Some of them must actually say eBay on them or give item numbers.

I figured that you would all like an update. My relationship with the bank teller continues to improve.

Perhaps muh wife should be concerned....


1 comment:

seth said...

why don't you invite him to attend your next class?