Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Crash... Breaking the Racial Stereotypes

Let's see... how do I say this?

Muh wife and i went to see what I micht consider one of the greatest if not THE greatest film on race relations ever made this weekend. It is entitled Crash.

One of the key components to the movie was that it demonstrated the abusrdity of racial stereotpyes and was still able to shock and move the moviegoer.

It is a tremendous movie and will become a staple of every single race relations college class at many universities for decades to come.

Now... the audience reflected the cast of characters. It was a mix of black and white and some couples were also mixed as well... It was a refreshing audience.

One of the biggest stereotypes out there is that black audiences tend to talk to the screeen and be very loud. One of the SCARY MOVIES even made fun of this in its plot. It is a stereotype...

Our audience however began to grate on my nerves when three blonde women decided to plant their ample butts behind our heads just as the previews were coming to an end.

They then decided to talk during the entire film.. breaking all preconceived racial stereotypes!

The movie Crash may have been made to help identify racial and ethnic problems in our country and it may have been made to help change them.

I think it did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know; I kind of think that I expect a group of dopey teenaged girls to yammer through a movie, particularly one that they completely don't get.

Truly, I think that this movie should be included in a high school social studies curriculum or something, because without structured discussion questions, those girls understood nothing about the movie, which to me says that they're the ones who really need to hear its message. It was really disheartening.